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 H u m o u r

D e a f   W i f e

Man goes to the Doctor. "I think my wife is going deaf."

Doctor: "Before we can do anything we need to know how bad the problem is. I suggest you go home and standing a little way behind from your wife, so she can't see you, speak to her in a normal voice. If you don't get a response, move closer and try again until she hears you. Then note how far you are from her and come back and we'll talk some more."

The man left the Doctor's surgery and on returning home found his wife preparing the evening meal. He stood in the hall some 10 metres behind his wife and asked, "What are we having to eat?"

The was no response from the wife so the man moved forward halving the distance to her to 5 metres and again asked, "What are we having to eat?"

Again there was no reply from the wife. Feeling a little frustrated, the man stepped right up behind his wife and repeated the question. "What are we having to eat?"

The wife spun round and said, "For the third time, steak!"

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